TFR's Prompts #61 “Will you be quiet!?” “I didn’t say anything!” “Well stop thinking so loud!”

The air practically vibrated around them with a growing buzz like an old-fashioned television set with no reception. She gritted her teeth as she tried to focus on the glittering purple orb in front of her on the cloth draped table.

“Will you be quiet!?” she slammed her hands down on either side of the ball, startling the small blue-scaled creature hovering in the air over her shoulder. Its leathery wings folded carefully and it landed on the stool directly across from her.

“I didn’t say anything!” she heard the squeaky voice in her mind, though its lips never moved. The dark cerulean eyes were wide and focused on her face contorted with concentration.

“Well stop thinking so loud! The buzzing is driving me insane!” Abruptly the hum dulled to a trickle before giving way to utter silence. An unnatural silence. Something was wrong.


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